A sonohysterogram is a short, minimally invasive imaging study of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The study is used to diagnose the cause of underlying pelvic pain, irregular vaginal bleeding, miscarriages and infertility.

Imaging Services
Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Radiography (X-Ray), Radiography, and more

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What is a Sonohysterogram?
A sonohysterogram is a short, minimally invasive imaging study of the uterus and fallopian tubes. The study is used to diagnose the cause of underlying pelvic pain, irregular vaginal bleeding, miscarriages and infertility. Our team of professionals will perform the procedure in two parts; preliminary pelvic ultrasound followed by the sonohysterogram the next day. A thin catheter is placed through the cervix into the uterus. Normal saline ( a salt water solution) is instilled through the catheter to allow us to see the inside of the uterus and check the fallopian tubes.
Appointment Details
- Call your closest Humber Valley Imaging (HVI) location (click here to find a location).
- When making your appointment please tell your scheduler the type of examination. We make every effort to accommodate urgent requests within the same day.
- Please note that a written request from your physician (click here to download req form) is required for all appointments.
- A patient without a health card may be insured through other means such as Interim Health Program, while others may be covered under private health insurance plans. If a patient has no health card and no alternative coverage, they will be asked to pay for their diagnostic test.
Exam Preparation
Take two tablets of Advil 1 hour before the procedure.
In the reproductive age, the appointment should be booked day 5 to 10 of menstrual cycle.
If post-menopausal, (not cycling), you can book anytime.
Please advise the administrative staff at the time of booking if you have a history of valvular heart disease or pelvic inflammatory disease.