A mammogram is a specific type of breast imaging that uses low dose x-ray to examine the breast tissue. It is a diagnostic test used to detect early cancers in patients who experience no symptoms or diagnose breast disease in patients with symptoms such as a lump, pain, nipple discharge.

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What is a Mammography?
A mammogram is a specific type of breast imaging that uses low dose x-ray to examine the breast tissue. It is a diagnostic test used to detect early cancers in patients who experience no symptoms or diagnose breast disease in patients with symptoms such as a lump, pain, nipple discharge.
Results of a mammographic study are often correlated with those of breast ultrasound in order to obtain a more conclusive diagnosis.
Humber Valley Imaging’s dedicated team of highly trained and accredited breast imaging experts performs and interprets all breast imaging studies at our facilities. Our clinics, digital equipment and our staff undergo accreditation through the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) and the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) to ensure that we meet and exceed all quality requirements.
At HVI we are proud to be a part of the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP). Women ages 40 to 74 with average risk for breast cancer are encouraged to get screened through the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) every two years to receive all the program benefits. We provide timely, high-quality diagnosis and follow-up for women with abnormal screens. You do not require your doctor to refer you for a mammogram in order to be a part of the program. Women can self-refer to make an appointment.
Appointment Details
- Call your closest Humber Valley Imaging (HVI) location (click here to find a location).
- When making your appointment please tell your scheduler the type of examination. We make every effort to accommodate urgent requests within the same day.
- Please note that a written request from your physician (click here to download req form) is required for all appointments.
- A patient without a health card may be insured through other means such as Interim Health Program, while others may be covered under private health insurance plans. If a patient has no health card and no alternative coverage, they will be asked to pay for their diagnostic test.
Exam Preparation
Please bring your previous mammogram with you for comparison purposes if your imaging was not done at one of our facilities. On the day of the exam do not wear powder, deodorant, lotion or perfume under your arms or breasts.